Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Feeling Inspired
I just read an article in the New York Times and thought of you all, so I thought I'd post it, even though no one is actually reading this blog anymore.....
The title: China's Tough Measures on Flu Appear to be Effective
The blurb: They quarantined foreigners and it worked! H1N1 is being contained! reminds me of Atlantic Storm and Germany's threat to Poland that we'd quarantine any Polish outsiders who came into Germany. I guess the plan would have worked.
: o )
Monday, September 21, 2009
Review-- Assessment of Future Scientific Needs for Live Variola Virus
In 1999, the government (specifically the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) requested that the Institute of Medicine convene an independent scientific panel to investigate future scientific needs for live variola virus. That committee, the “Committee on the Assessment of Future Needs for Variola (Smallpox) Virus,” produced a report “The Assessment of Future Scientific Needs for Live Variola Virus” chronicling their conclusions. The report outlines six major scientific needs for the smallpox virus, the first and most convincing being the need for further research into the creation of novel vaccines fit for immunocompromised populations.
The assessment is particularly interesting in light of the World Health Organization’s upcoming debate as to whether or not to retain the world’s existing stocks of live variola virus. Dr. Ann Arvin (Stanford University School of Medicine), who served on the committee both in 1999 and on a recent committee to revisit the issue, commented on the differences between the two assessments, claiming that the 2009 study was far less political than charged debates of 1999. I found this to be interesting, as both reports were intended to be (and appear to be) completely independent—obviously being unbiased is tough, even in science.
The 1999 assessment is well written, providing a clear outline of the major scientific motives for the retention of variola stocks, and well as a broad overview of smallpox epidemiology, eradication, and bioterrorism threat. It is informative and accessible to the general public, and although it is very technical, I did enjoy reading it.
The Avian Flu of 1957: Ghost of What's to Come
Throughout our course, we have repeatedly referenced the flu epidemic of 1918-1919 as a lesson for the upcoming swine flu pandemic. We never fully examined the similarities between H1N1 and the Avian Flu of 1957. After reading an article about it in The Washington Post, I am convinced that the epidemic of 1957 provides valuable lessons for the trajectory of swine flu and how to handle it.
The Avian Flu (H2N2) broke out during the normally flu-free summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and attacked many group-living situations such as summer camps and military bases. The current strain infected over 80 summer camps during the summer. Like H1N1, the 1957 virus had an overwhelming effect on younger people as compared to the elderly population that flu normally effects. Additionally, the 1957 Avian Flu was briefly harsh but rarely fatal, as H1N1 has thus far. As the article details, these similarities suggest that the pandemic of 1957 may be an instructive model for what is to come with H1N1.
Overall, the 1957 pandemic created 60,000 “excess deaths” in the U.S, which would be the equivalent of 107,000 people today. This is a substantial amount, and with such large similarities between the two epidemics, the Avian Flu of 1957 should be studied in order to prepare for the major outbreak of H1N1.
Review-- The Demon in the Freezer
The first two books that I read for Smallpox Safari, Smallpox—The Death of a Disease and Scourge, were both fascinating and incredibly informative. Looking back, however, I realize that it is Richard Preston’s The Demon in the Freezer that is the perfect introduction to smallpox. First, Preston’s story is informative, as he gives a detailed overview of the history and eradication of smallpox, along with the potential future threats of the disease. Second, the subject matter is timely. As Preston weaves the story through both smallpox and anthrax, he taps into the fears of the reader; both in 2002 soon after when the anthrax attacks occurred and in 2009 in a world where science and military are growing ever more connected. (Although I do agree that the presence of anthrax in the storyline did unnecessarily complicate the book). Finally, The Demon in the Freezer is simply exciting, due to the subject and the author’s gift for impressive storytelling.
Herein lies the beauty of The Demon in the Freezer, in its ability to combine a significant amount of academic information with an exhilarating literary adventure. The excitement is only compounded by the reality that Preston presents. Like most readers, Preston’s concluding words struck me: “We could eradicate smallpox from nature, but we could not uproot the virus from the human heart.” The Demon in the Freezer provides perfectly both the introductory information and the incentive to dive into the study of smallpox.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Book Review : Jenner's Publication on Vaccination against smallpox
This book is a useful compilation of Jenner’s work concerning inoculation against smallpox. With Jenner’s three articles is one place you easily see how he developed his ideas and tested his observations surrounding smallpox. It is important to note that the scientific approach to thinking that is evident in these pages was somewhat of an anomaly in this 18th century era. Jenner provides a lot of evidence to support his theories connecting cowpox and smallpox. He describes in sufficient detail for the numerous case studies which he performed. Although it is a scientific set of papers, it reads like a simple, logical story unlike today’s scientific literature laden with specific jargon. In addition to the scientific aspect, Jenner also finds ways to make reference to those who are skeptical of his work. It is interesting to have a glimpse into the mind of a man who developed a novel way to prevent the “severest scourge of the human race”. Jenner seems to have had an inkling about the magnitude of his work as he was “ encouraged by the hope of its becoming essentially beneficial to mankind.” For anyone studying medical or scientific history, these original texts are a must read as the development of vaccines is key to preventative medicine today.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Stanford testing for H1N1 vaccine & FREE seasonal flu vaccine at Vaden
Hey Pox Stars! If there’s any practicable lesson we could have taken from Bob’s class (aside from the skillful timing and technique it takes to jump in the air with 15 other people), it was that vaccines are a lifesaver. If you haven’t received a seasonal flu vaccine yet, there is no excuse because Stanford will be giving away FREE vaccines to employees and students. I saw this on the Vaden website, and I had to tell all of you!
And now, for my final New and Hot . . .
After Roz Diane Lasker’s simulation and Bob’s re-simulation on the “what-ifs” of a biological attack, I thought that these scenarios could be brought down to earth a bit more. As I see it with the H1N1 pandemic, these scenarios are already happening. There are some definite parallels between some of the suggestions our class gave to solving the hypothetical biological outbreak and the H1N1 pandemic happening in real time.
How to Improve Vaccines
How can scientists engineer a disabled vaccine to make it as potent as a “live” vaccine but as safe as a “killed” vaccine?
Disabled viruses have been effective in the production of vaccines for smallpox and polio. However, for non-viral diseases like tuberculosis and malaria, the immune system is able to recognize that the viruses in these vaccines are disabled, and hence, the immune system will not trigger the anticipated antibody response.
The co-author of a study that suggests a solution to this problem, Daniel Portnoy, a UC Berkeley professor of molecular and cell biology and of public health, explains, “What this says is that the immune system knows the difference between a live bug that's virulent and a dead one that is harmless." Furthermore, Portnoy says that not only is there no immune response, immunity is also suppressed.
To solve this problem, the study suggests getting the microbes to act as if they’re alive. The strategy is to select new bacterial strains that induce the right kind of immune response.
The pathogen seems to take on a personality and these mannerisms within the cell affect how the immune system will respond — “where it goes in the cell, what pathways it interferes with, and how disruptive it is.” A vaccine against these pathogens would need to have an effect of inducing T cell response, a condition that does not happen with currently available vaccines.
(Biochemistry . . . so awesome!)
Review: Smallpox—The Death of a Disease
Friday, September 18, 2009
My Thoughts on Smallpox Safari
Now to talk about the class: as it was the best combination of alot of learning and alot of fun, I am now interested in something I never considered before; this class just turned on a spark in me that I never new was there. Now I have a sincere interest in epidemiology and virology; I have absorbed so much information and the best thing is that this class, through Bob and the SCAs brought everything together. Everything that I remembered from high school biology and a class on biotech. Whether it was plasmids or vectors, everything just clicked. I really enjoyed this class. I cherish the experiences: Jasper Ridge, ATLANTIC STORM, GSID and Don Francis, jumping pictures, the movies,OUR movie, the Baylands(or should I say the Palo Alto landfill haha), RAMEN... It was over all a great experience in all ways possible. I came expected to be bombarded with more smallpox facts and I left bombarded(in a great way) but not with only smallpox information but with lots of great advice, good memories. I feel more aknowledged three weeks later. They really care about our success in school and in life. What a good feeling!
I don't mean to sound toady and if thats how it comes across, then what I am really thinking can't be expressed in good words, at least not by me and my ENL(english as an nth language) skills. It has been great to meet my fellow classmates of course because you guys are what helped make the class more exciting. I can't think of anyone else I would have wanted to have in this class you but you guys. It was so fun, I really actually enjoyed myself. It was a class, but it didn't really feel like a class (most of the time anyway), especially when we all loosened up after a couple of days. It was great. I am sure I will see all of you at some point in the future. Keep it real and have a great time this year, I for one am excited for this year (not for classes, but they are a part of the process). Stay well and try not to get that viral infection!!
Water Shortages in Kenya Lead to Disease Outbreaks
As unimportant as this might seem to some of you, it shows the obstacles that the current measles and polio eradication campaigns are experiencing. Whether it is due to natural disasters such as drought or floods or human induced disasters such as wars, it is causing unexpected setbacks. I don’t think Lemaat listed Kenya as one of the three countries remaining with polio, in which case there are now four countries and the number might continue to rise as a result of the movement of refugees and the occurrence of natural disasters.
Review: Smallpox, Death of a Disease
What strikes me most about Henderson's perspective is how candid he is about his experience as head of the eradication. He is characteristically open about his efforts, often revealing the actual disease to be less of a problem than dealing with his superiors. If he makes anything obnoxiously clear, it's that when working on a global project one must choose the people to work with and ignore the calls of everyone else to get something done. The ins and outs of the WHO bureaucracy are very clearly present throughout the entire book, necessitating a search for loopholes that could only be carried out by our very cheeky, irreverent author. It's difficult not to admire his no-nonsense approach.
The book itself quickly documents how Henderson serendipitously was given the position that would define his career and then jumps into eradication. He goes through in minute, yet engaging detail the evolving strategy needed to tackle such a beast with little more than a picture of a dude with smallpox, freeze-dried vaccine, and a bifurcated needle. The only thing that I would chance criticizing in his book would be the slight repetitiveness of some of the chapters. While I'm sure the actual process was much more complicated, the ring-vaccination technique coupled with stringent surveillance seemed to be the general gist of more than half of the discussed regions, with slight adaptations for weather and political conditions in the remaining situations.
Even so, for one who is interested in the topic, I can't think of a better source than Henderson. The last few pages are a very nice capstone to the book, collecting what he gathered from his experiences to formulate his own strong opinion on where we should go from here. Definitely worth the read if you like poxy stuff.
Book Review: The Death of Smallpox
One of the things I found most intriguing about DA Henderson’s book is his detailed description of the struggles and difficulties he faced while dealing with the World Health Organization. This detailed mostly with the political facet of the eradication, as this program was global and required the participation of nearly every single country because if one was affected, everybody else was at risk. And so, it is with disbelief that we read about the miles of bureaucracy that he had to go around in order to succeed even though he was doing everyone a big favor, whether or not they were involved. Such an account serves to show that sometimes, one must break the rules or disagree with the big players even though it might mean making one’s life ten times more difficult. It is in facing obstacles such as these that the true leaders are exposed.
It also serves to illustrate that not everyone in charge has the best interest of others at heart. I was particularly disappointed by director Candau of the WHO and others like him, who did nothing to help or did everything to discourage the continuation of the program. If its people like these who are in charge of an organization, such as the WHO, that is supposed to advocate and fight for those who have no voices, then we need many more DA Hendersons, Don Francis’s, and others if we are to make any more magnificent advances in humanity’s fight against diseases.
Review: The Demon in the Freezer
One of my favorite things about this and his other books, is how it combines history, virology, humanity, compassion and conflict in only 283 pages. Granted, there is more to the story but he briefly but coherently touches upon it all: from the launch and progress of the eradication program to Soviet defectors, the retention vs. destruction fight, the description of what occurred during the 2001 anthrax terror scares, research at major US labs like Fort Detrick and more.
And amidst all this talk about viruses and bioterrorism, he manages to insert personal anecdotes about several people, appealing to the human side while grasping our attention. One of my favorite quotes comes at the end when he says:
"We will never find an explanation…for the love that drove the doctors to bring smallpox to an end. Yet after all they had done, we still held smallpox in our hands, with a grip of death that would never let it go. All I knew was that the dream of total Eradication had failed. The virus’s last strategy of survival was to bewitch its host and become a source of power. We could eradicate smallpox from nature, but we could not uproot the virus from the human heart."
In a personal display of great thought provoking insight, Preston leaves us thinking about what should or should not be done, what is better for humanity and whether we will ever be able to part with this virus.
For me, this book arises a lot questions and thoughts about several things. One major issue being our innate tendency of submission. Before and during the Cold War, Russian leaders encouraged scientists, who as doctors had promised never to intently harm human life, to produce some of the deadliest weapons of mass human destruction we have ever seen. They enlisted propanganda, a prime weapon, to brainwash people and instilled fear in them; fear of being caught thinking bad thoughts; fear of being reprimanded for associating with a known dissenter; fear of being punished for a mistake; fear of anything deemed suspicious. With these two historically successful weapons (fear and propaganda) the USSR enlisted some of the most brilliant minds science has ever seen in this race to destroy humanity. Sounds hypocritical? That's what politics is.
It is therefore important to realize that for someone as important as Ken Alibek to defect, there must have been something going on there that was so bad that it was breaching the sometimes lacking ethical and moral beliefs of the scientists (for the few who were aware of the full implications of their research). Most of the current United States biodefense strategy and biowarfare intelligence is based on what Ken Alibek had to say when he defected from the Soviet Union. What he had to say was both chilling and very helpful because it helped launch an emphasis on bioterror in the United States and around the world.
Once I opened the book, I could not put it down, suspenseful as it was in a very realistic way. In a way, it was so suspenseful because what he describes is something one can only imagine in a science fiction movie. The little fact that twists everything is that this book is NONfiction. Everything is real yet as you read, you find it so hard to imagine that something like that could be carried out by your fellow humans. My conclusions: what else are people going to start using as a weapon of mass destruction? What's next before hell breaks loose?
Book Review -Smallpox: The Death of Disease
Smallpox: The Death of disease is an intriguing, true story about the smallpox global eradication campaign told by the man who ran it himself, Dr. D.A. Henderson. After providing a solid foundation with a summary of smallpox history, he plunges into the course of eradication. Henderson gives a unique anecdotal insight into a few of the intricacies and personalities that shaped the campaign program. The story travels through each country and phase of the eradication where floods, mechanical problems and not to mention cultural resistance were around every corner. Misguided politics had a significant influence as well. Fortunately, Henderson’s hands on approach and disregard for inhibitive regulations lead the effort to success.
The reader also gets a glimpse behind the scenes of the eradication certification program as well as the chilling biosecurity issues that have surfaced post-eradication. Henderson has continued to play an important role in advising the government on how to prepare for potential bioterror attacks involving smallpox. However, he concludes with a surprising opinion about future eradication efforts.
Overall, the story is engaging from cover to cover. Henderson’s anecdotal account of the campaign provides a unique dimension, which no other smallpox literature can provide. The lessons learned from this achievement should serve as a template for future global effort as well as personal life goals. In addition, smallpox aside, this inspiring account is evidence that no obstacle can inhibit a strong a will.Review: Pox Americana
Personally, I had never before thought of the American Revolutionary war in terms of a disease epidemic, and this book made me consider the outcome in a more systematic way, The deterioration of the revolutionary army as a result of the epidemic must have surely altered the course of the war, yet the Americans still emerged victorious.
I was deeply impressed by Fenn's research into the way the prevalence of smallpox played into the overall effects of the revolutionary war. George Washington, in particular, emerged from Fenn's novel as a forward-thinking figure determined to avoid a horrible fate, yet committed to the surely fatal battle ahead.
Fenn's use of vivid specific detail was extremely valuable from a historical epidemiological perspective-- the Indians who contracted the disease as a result of a potential genetic predisposition to it have not been forgotten in Fenn's work. The terrible epidemic spreading through the North American indian population is given thoughtful treatment. I personally appreciate the disease-oriented specificity of her research, yet the broad-ranging implications it has into epidemiology as a general field.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Richard Preston opens the Demon In The Freezer, in dramatic fashion. He recalls the death of Robert Stevens, one of the victims of the anthrax mail attacks launched after September 11th. This is followed by a gruesome autopsy and the frightening identification of the pathogen. This thrilling start draws the reader into the chilling reality of deadly biological warfare.
The intensity of the first chapter is maintained as Richard Preston describes an outbreak of smallpox in Germany. The most terrifying part of this is the attention Richard pays to the symptoms of the infected patient. His emphasis on the symptoms smallpox leaves a lasting impression about the truly horrific nature of infectious disease.
Richard Preston’s storytelling ability gives the book an edgier feel. It has all the appeal of a primal thriller, where scientists and doctors attempt to track down and kill a mass murderer. Here there are two culprits Anthrax, a stealthy, precise killer and Smallpox, a terrifying, indiscriminate slaughterer.
Richard Preston intertwines the race to eradicate Smallpox from the globe, to the artificial use of Anthrax as a Bioweapon. He these two events to inject urgency into the book, as one cannot help but contemplate the dangers of smallpox in terrorist hands.
This technique means however, that even though chapters and events in the book are thrilling and fascinating, the narrative doesn’t quite flow that naturally. This can make the book feel slightly disjointed at times
Overall however, Richard Preston’s superb rapid-fire story telling coupled with his amazing attention to detail, make for a thrilling, yet frightening read about the potential of a bioterrorist attack.
Matthew Goodyear
Review: Rotting Face
In the purported speech given by the Mandan War Chief before he died, the Chief indicted the White Man for their crime: “I have Never Called a White Man a Dog, but to day, I do Pronounce them to be a set of Black harted Dogs.” Most of us have learned this by now – that the White Man screwed up a lot of things for a lot of people. Disappointedly enough, in his book, R.G. Robertson chooses the blame game again and misses out on the opportunity to present new insights on the cultural, social, and economic phenomena experienced during smallpox’s scourge in America. “Rotting Face” becomes a mere telling of facts detailing to readers what they already knew: That, boy, oh, boy, the White Man sure did screw things up again for the Indians.
Biohazard: A Review
Now, he works as a consultant in the United States. He gains valuable defense contracts through his biological weaponry know-how. Throughout his book, he expressed no real remorse for his role in the creation of the weapons; simply for the existence of the weapons themselves, as though they emerged out of thin air. Alibek’s motivation in writing this book, then, if one assumes that it is not an apologia for his time in the USSR’s biological weapons program, seems solely self-promoting. Bolstering his image as a bioweapons expert is likely to raise his profile and augment the preexisting culture of fear surrounding biological weapons. Both of these things are likely to benefit Alibek’s career in the United States, something with which he seems to have remained consistent in pursuit of.
Follow-Up on Hapsburg mandibular prognathism (or 'the protuberant jaw')
As you may recall from my presentation, Maximilian's grandson Charles V split the line into two branches, and the deformity continued through both royal families. There have been few studies on hereditary prognathism, but most experts agree that the level of intermarriage among close relatives was likely to exacerbate the degree of the deformity, but not necessarily its prevalence among family members.
The degree of intermarriage among the Hapsburgs can be illustrated by Philip II, who married an two cousins, and a niece (at different times). His final marriage to his niece was the first of three such marriages that brought forth Charles II, the final Hapsburg king of Spain. Philip II's great-grandmother was Juana 'the Mad' of Castille, who brought mental instability to an already impressive litany of familial problems including asthma, epilepsy, and, apparently, as Bob indicated, a weak resistance to syphilis, which may have been spread prenatally. The gene (or gene combination, it is unclear) was estimated to effect 50% of the Hapsburgs, and thus was likely a recessive trait. Now that the Hapsburg blood has been sufficiently diluted by a broader spectrum of marriages, it is no longer in evidence on a consistent scale today.
Review: The Demon in the Freezer
When I started reading “The Demon in the Freezer,” I was convinced I was reading a thriller novel. The bioterror threat itself seems like science fiction. That Preston’s work uses the thriller framework to present this terrifying, alien threat only makes his writing more effective. Preston’s book is above everything accessible. The writing flows, a story emerges, and you become engrossed in the characters involved, notably Peter Jahrling and Lisa Hensley. These aspects make the bioterror threat more urgent and human, while still utilizing its unable-to-look-away-from-a-train-wreck nature to draw and hold readers.
While not heavy on the science, I still learned from this work. I shared D.A. Henderson’s credulity when monkeys were successfully infected with smallpox, an event that I had not read about in other works. I also learned about the IL-4 experiment in mice and was shocked at the availability of public information that could be used to make a biological weapon. Further, I think it was a good idea to tie the anthrax events to smallpox. The more recent anthrax attacks give the smallpox threat added weight and highlight the difficulties in detecting and tracing bioterror perpetrators.
This work succeeds because it presents very serious, scientific issues in an approachable way, so that all readers, regardless of their scientific background, can participate in questioning the ethics of science and biological weapons in our society. These are issues that go beyond simply scientists: they affect everyone. This is definitely a must read that ends too soon. I commend Preston for making science manageable for all and for revealing humanizing insights into the biological weapons threat.
Obama + Bio Security
The following is from the White House's Homeland Security Website. I find it entertaining how broad it is, and how little information it actually provides. We certainly have more information than the general public. Thank you, government, for keeping us all SO informed.
"Strengthen Our Bio and Nuclear Security
Attacks using improvised nuclear devices or biological weapons, as well as outbreaks of a pandemic disease, pose a serious and increasing national security risk, We will focus on reducing the risk of these high-consequence, nontraditional threats:
- Ensuring that decision-makers have the tools they need to manage disease outbreaks by linking health care providers, hospitals, and public health agencies. By building on America's unparalleled talent and through international partnerships, we can create new drugs, vaccines, and diagnostic tests, and manufacture them more quickly and efficiently.
- Strengthening our nuclear security by enhancing our nuclear detection architecture and ensuring that our own nuclear materials are secure. By establishing well-planned, well-rehearsed, plans for coordinated response, we will also ensure a capability that can dramatically diminish the consequences of chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear incidents."
Science and the White House
"In the past, government funding for scientific research has yielded innovations that have improved the landscape of American life — technologies like the Internet, digital photography, bar codes, Global Positioning System technology, laser surgery, and chemotherapy. At one time, educational competition with the Soviets fostered the creativity that put a man on the moon. Today, we face a new set of challenges, including energy security, HIV/AIDS, and climate change. Yet, the United States is losing its scientific dominance. Among industrialized nations, our country's scores on international science and math tests rank in the bottom third and bottom fifth, respectively. Over the last three decades, federal funding for the physical, mathematical, and engineering sciences has declined at a time when other countries are substantially increasing their own research budgets. President Obama and Vice President Biden believe federally funded scientific research should play an important role in advancing science and technology in the classroom and in the lab."
Book Review : Rotting Face
R. G. Robertson’s Rotting Face: Smallpox and the American Indian relates the 1837-1838 smallpox epidemic that devastated the Native American population. The topic certainly fills a void in the smallpox and Native American literature. Robertson reveals the interdependent relationship between the Native Indians and the settlers’ fur trade. Other secondary elements surface as well such as the power of an Indian woman and the amount of interracial mixing that took place outside of the towns.
Robertson tracks every step of the epidemic as smallpox attacked “ like a scythe mowing the summer hay.” I appreciate the attention to detail in everything from the fur trade hierarchy, to smallpox symptoms to an Indian chief’s attire. However, at times the author’s pain-staking details prove to be a fault and make for tedious periods in the book.
In addition, the work is written for the general public as essential terms applicable to smallpox and Indian history are clearly defined. Robertson does plainly admit some potential inaccuracies in his statistics and references due to an incomplete record of Native American history. Although he makes this disclaimer, he makes many assumptions and relates them in the format of “ No doubt Chardon felt…” and “No doubt Chardon thought…”, a bit of an excessive liberty in my opinion.
Despite the criticisms, I would recommend this book because it adds an untold piece to the puzzle of smallpox history and American history.
H1N1 Pandemic Flu Has Been Hiding in Pigs for Decades
At a meeting of flu experts sponsored by the Institute of Medicine, expert Michael Worobey, who specializes in tracking viruses on the “molecular clock” said that the new pandemic H1N1 flu has been hiding in pigs for a decade before it jumped into the human species. Molecular tests show that this virus made a “mutational Jump” into humans only recently as humans continued to interact with pigs. He also believed that it continued to circulate undetected in humans once it made the jump for a few more months; thus, he says, there is an obligation to improve surveillance of swine flu in pigs and humans. The goal of this meeting, called by the Institute of Medicine, was to examine the pandemic and look for better ways to be prepared and deal with the next one, not that one is coming for sure but viruses ARE everywhere just waiting for when the time is right.
Worobey said that if doctors tested patients for influenza, we could have caught this virus a month or two before we did. It is therefore hard to determine when and where it first jumped into the human species because by the time we found it, it had been circulating in Mexico and the US for months.
The new strain has bird-like genetic sequences and is believed to have jumped from birds to pigs a long time ago. Apparently, once it jumped into humans, its genes changed quickly, evolving at a 1.5x faster rate than it evolved in swine. And to the relief of doctors and healthcare workers preparing for the global vaccination campaign, the currently circulating virus is not mutating but experts believe it will eventually begin to. What’s next??
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
"Don't tell me when to sleep!"
With his taste for unceasing globe-trotting adventures, Dustin Hoffman’s character from "Outbreak" may belong to the group of genetically superior people in our society who can function perfectly well with minimal amounts of sleep. I don’t know whether to look at these super-humans with jealousy or pity, but a 68-year-old woman noticed how peculiar her sleeping habits were and volunteered for sleep research. Her nightly routine consisted of going to sleep at 10 PM and waking up at 4 AM. Researchers at UC San Francisco examined the woman’s DNA and her sleep variable gene, called DEC2.
BSL-4 Lab Security
Rinderpest, Prepare to Die
Rinderpest virus, or "cattle plague" in German, may be seeing its last days on this planet. The disease, whose history bears many similarities to that of smallpox, is expected to be eradicated from cattle in the next year. Like smallpox, the virus causes fever, "oral erosions," and has an extremely high mortality rate (over 75%). Animals infected with the virus, which spreads through direct contact and contaminated water, die within six to twelve days after the onset of symptoms. Similar to human diseases, cattle in Europe faced a number of rinderpest pandemics in the 1700s. More recently an outbreak in Africa in the 1980s cost an estimated $500 million in lost livestock.
Review: Scourge
Jonathan Tucker’s comprehensive work, “Scourge,” is the perfect book for learning the basics about every aspect of smallpox’s multifaceted existence. From the disease’s early history to eradication to its potential as a biological weapon, Tucker covers it all. The book is packed with critical information yet is miraculously under 300 pages, an admirable feat indeed.
Throughout the story of eradication and especially afterwards, in the debate over whether to destroy the virus strains, Tucker relies heavily on eradication leader D.A. Henderson’s analysis. Henderson is Tucker’s barometer for almost every issue related to the virus strain destruction debate. While it was interesting to hear the legendary Henderson’s take, I feel as though Tucker over-used Henderson’s opinions and could have more effectively used them sparingly. However, this is but a small complaint for an otherwise superb work.
I was especially enthralled by Tucker’s description of the “Dark Winter” scenario, a simulation of a bioteror attack with smallpox. His descriptions of the destruction the virus could bring upon a largely unvaccinated population were chilling and terrifying. This is where Tucker’s work triumphs. He is able to raise central questions about disease eradication and scientific ethics without being stuffy or overly theoretical. He adds an emotional dimension and urgency to these issues, making “Scourge” as much about how we should question our scientific system now as about the dread disease that plagued humanity for centuries.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Review: Pox Americana
Smallpox the disease has typically been relegated to the background story. In the annals of historical literature, the disease was typically portrayed as responsible for this and that, for the decimation of this population or the reason for so-and-so’s death. And then, alas, readers would discover that history changed its course. Although, smallpox’s role was consequential, the historical accounts of it remained tangential. Pox Americana reverses this trend in historical literature and breaks fascinating ground with a heavily-researched account in which smallpox – Variola personified – is the main character, shaping the people and places of colonial America.
In the second half of the book, Fenn focuses on the vast landscape West of the Mississippi, of the trials of the Native Americans with these events structured around a loose set of dates. Because a chronological account of this period and location is hard to define (much less, research on), the book loses the descriptive luster of the first half and boils down to a set of disparate dates and dismally shocking number of deaths one after the other.
Pox Americana succeeds in lifting the virus from the historical back-story and personifying it into a character that moves along in history. (“Variola found a steady supply of victims.”) As smallpox ceded to the American colonists win for inoculation, it moved to the West, its virulence looming in history and portending for further battle.
A Helpful Zirus